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England tutor scheme closing tuition gap between rich and poor, data shows

State-funded schools received NTP funding over the course of the 2022 to 2023 academic year to deliver tuition to their pupils. This funding is paid in termly instalments via local authorities and academy trusts.The subsidised 'tutor scheme' found a number of school had some difficulty recruiting suitable tutors. That subsidy supposedly comes to an end at the end of the academic year

However the Guardian reports that, the 'Sutton Trust calls on government not to cut post-Covid funding as figures show 37% of children in poor homes had tutoring' . As the Sutton Trust research reveals; ' the government’s national tutoring programme (NTP), which targeted extra help for disadvantaged pupils through their schools, has almost eradicated the gap in access to tuition enjoyed by wealthier families'.

By: Mike Aylen

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